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irish wills online
You can make your Last Will and Testament in a matter of minutes . . . or take as long as you like.
Simply answer a few easy questions and we will email you the document all ready to be signed and witnessed. We store your details for 7 days so you can return and make as many changes as you like. You don't need to pay until the very last step, so feel free to have a go and see how it all works.
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- Features:
- Divide up your estate . . .
by Percentage or Fractions.
- Nominate Guardians if you have any kids.
- Your own unique watermark.
- List items for specific people.
- Print in colour or black and white.
- Make unlimited changes for seven days.
- Include details of your funeral.
- Best looking Will on the Web!
If you need an example Last Will and Testament or Living Will, please use the two links shown below.
It would be nice to find an example Last Will and Testament or Living Will that you can simply copy. And if you look hard enough you may find one … eventually.
Of course most of them are focused on trying to sell you something else, not making legal documents. We think you'd be better off investing a few dollars in our product (which let's face it is hardly expensive - see
With our service you'll save time, you'll make a Will that you can understand, not something full of legal jargon, and you'll get detailed instructions on how to make sure it's 100% legal.
View Example Will OR View Example Living Will
The overwhelming advantage of our Living Will service is that you decide how much or how little time and thought you want to put into the project. If you know what you want and you're in a hurry you can simply select one of our preformatted solutions. You can make a Living Will in a matter of minutes. Or, if you prefer, spend some time and investigate the medical procedures and definitions. You control how much detail to specify and how many questions you answer.
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- Features:
- List your donation wishes.
- Quick and Stylish.
- Specify up to 3 Healthcare Agents.
- Print in colour or black and white.
- All Medical terms fully explained.
- Accept or Reject Treatments.
- Your own unique watermark.
If you are looking for a fast, legal and stylish way to make
Last Will and Testament or Living Will, you've come to the right place.
We've adopted a plain and simple look for this site in keeping with our philosophy of keeping costs low.
It's a no frills site for people who don't like to waste their time or their money.
We'll take you step by step through the process of making a Will.
For more information on our services please use the links on the left.
Using our service you'll save time, you'll make a Will that you can understand, not something full of legal jargon, and you'll get detailed instructions on how to make sure it's 100% legal.
If you need a Will for another country: click here.
If you need a jargon-free
Last Will and Testament or Living Will, you've come to the right place.
You might be tempted to try to find a site where you can download a "Free" Last Will and Testament or Living Will.
There are some out there, and if you look hard enough you'll find one eventually.
Of course most of them are focused on trying to sell you something else, not making legal documents. We think you'd be better off investing a few dollars in our product (which let's face it is hardly expensive - see fees).
You'll save time, you'll make a Will that you can understand, not something full of legal jargon, and you'll get detailed instructions on how to make sure it's 100% legal.
If you need a Will for another country: click here.
The great advantage of our Advance Medical Directive service is that you decide how much or how little time and thought you want to put into the project. If you know what you want and you're in a hurry you can simply select one of our preformatted solutions. You can make an Advance Medical Directive in a matter of minutes. Or, if you prefer, take some time to investigate the medical procedures and definitions. You control how much detail to specify and how many questions you answer.
Read More ~ View Sample ~ Get Started
- Features:
- Quick and Stylish.
- List your donation wishes.
- Your own unique watermark.
- Print in colour or black and white.
- Specify up to 3 Healthcare Agents.
- Accept or Reject Treatments.
- All Medical terms fully explained.
Two Wills in the time and effort it takes to make one! Most people live in couples and basically want to make the same Will as their partner. Normally that would mean going through the whole process twice - once for each Will. But with our Mirror Will service you only have to enter the information once.
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Good Value and a Great Time Saver.
- Features:
- Make unlimited changes for seven days.
- Print in colour or black and white.
- Include details of your funeral.
- Best looking Will on the Web!
- List items for specific people.
- Divide up your estate . . .
by Percentage or Fractions.
- Your own unique watermark.
- Nominate Guardians if you have any kids.
If you've got time to spare and neat hand-writing you can save money with our Last Will and Testament Form. Also useful if you want to include special conditions or messages. Essentially it's one of our Standard Wills with a blank space where you can write whatever you like. Comes with an example Will and instructions on how to make sure it is legal.
Read More ~ View Sample ~ Get Started
- Features:
- Free Format Will Form
- Include whatever details you like.
- Print as many copies as you like.
- Not as easy as our Standard Will but cheaper!
You won't find a comparable service at a better price.
If you aren't happy with our service we will give you a full refund.
To qualify you need to:
- Contact us within 7 days of your payment.
- Tell us what you don't like.
- Give us the opportunity to make it right.
There'll be no hassle or unpleasantness.
If you're happy with our service we hope you'll tell your friends. If you're not happy with our service we hope you'll tell us.
Your check list . . .
Made for
Quick and Simple.
Jargon Free.
Stylish result in colour or black & white.
Save a fortune on legal fees.
Unique Watermark Security.
Prints Ready-to-Sign at Home or at Work.
Make changes for up to 7 days.
Safe. Secure. Legal.
Arrives in minutes via Email.