Irish Wills Online

One thing we could be better at doing is sharing the names of all the people we find in a will. Beneficiaries are not generally indexed, but imagine if you could search a probate archive like that. Some societies have done some excellent work on this e.g. Oxfordshire FHS, see an example here:

'One of the tasks of communism is for human beings to place themselves in more rational and conscious control of the social dynamics they create ...'

Discover Virginia genealogies and county records online.

Irish Wills

Discover Virginia genealogies and county records online.

'From this view, the history of human development is also the history of the emergence and development of distinct human personalities and what Marx later terms, "rich individuality", in Capital.'

'Perhaps surprisingly, given Marxs frequent criticisms of religion, he repeatedly insisted that he was not an atheist, a denial I explicated in a 2019 paper on Marx and atheism.'

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In 15 minutes, with Bannister and ' First from

Today, with Bannister and ' First from

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M.P. Dunleavey on talking with and about , , and more.

EP5 has arrived! In 'The Marine' with Richard Holt, host Andrew hears how Richard got hooked on and why he turned professional, and hears about Richard's efforts to gain access to original . We then hear about a Royal Marine whose life after discharge doesn't go so well, and we're looking for a man wholeft a legacy on a Buckinghamshire village - but where did he come from

Avoid Probate and Protect Your Assets!

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Legal Mumbo Jumbo for a $1,000 dollars.

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When planning your estate consider, who should inherit your money and in what proportion.

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Is a Trust Only for the Wealthy Unlocking the Truth About Trusts.

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Includes genealogy records in Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Also, access to 10,000 genealogy books.

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The University of North Texas' body parts business: Cutting up and leasing out the poor

Golden sunset hour in with Tower on left and (Sears) Tower on the right

Golden sunset hour in with Tower on left, (Sears) Tower in middle, and Chicago One Tower on the right.

In foreground is Park Hyatt, where stayed during last month

Wish my brain would stop thinking "I'll just look up another 16th/17th century testament (will and/or inventory) to study in ScotlandsPeople" when the website is still down! Hope it comes back ok after latest upgrade / revamp. And hope it's not as disastrous as some other website revamps inc SP.

Finally talking to an attorney about setting up a living trust & pour over will.

Been procrastinating about that for years but not that many more years left to me.

Lakeshore. Originally the corporate HQ for WD & HO Wills, later Imperial Tobacco, now a block of swanky flats.

Download a Last Will and Testament Template.

Download a Last Will and Testament Template.

If I lived in Wills I would vote for Sam Ratnam. One of the most level headed and intelligent people I've even met.

Hopefully Labor will take this as a sign that their position on Israel Palestine conflict is untenable.

Forgotten books and how to save them

On the Neglected Books site, there is a fine meditation on rescuing forgotten writers and their works from oblivion, and why this is important. As its author Brad Bigelow explains:

I have been searching for neglected books for over forty years and the one thing I can say with unshakeable confidence is that there are more great (and even just

#books #criticalApparatus #ebooks #orphanWorks #outOfPrint #publicDomain #reissues #statuteOfAnne #wills

Thanks for that interesting article by Prof Jolle Rollo-Koster, which draws attention to the documentary treasures in store for a new generation of historians while perhaps understating the wealth of evidence accumulated by her own!

The will of one famously independent woman in medieval England is available in the original French with translation & analysis on the resource page at

"The suggestion that paper copies should be preserved of the post-1858 wills only of famous people overlooks the two most important facets of wills as historical documents: they survive for people who otherwise left little record, and they survive in large numbers."

If anyone knows a good , and , preferably in South Oxfordshire, UK please feel free to pass them my way!

In the summer of 2014, paint was stripped away on this building in Whistable, Kent, to reveal a trio of well-preserved painted signs for the Will's tobacco manufacturers. In the subsequent repainting of the wall, the owners flouted tobacco advertising rules and wisely kept the signs visible.
This panel is the best preserved of the three, and features the signature of the signwriter that produced the work: Neale Blackman. I've not found anything about him in the few Kent street directories that I have on file.
Will's "Flag"
Empire Blend Cigarettes
Neale Blackman Signs
Argyle Road, Whitstable, Kent, at the junction with High Street and Oxford Street

Photo: Neal Lankester

Richard Ovenden wrote on 21 Dec that "Destroying historical wills is foolhardy and short-sighted". Glad to see strong support in value-added comments both in the FT (where there are now 60 comments online, v 3 in the copy archived soon after publication at ), & on birdchan (). Let's hope for a rethink!

Dozens of cyclists joined the along
Car passing Electorate /ALP office of MP Peter K.
Photograph: NCA NewsWire / Ian Currie


Open consultation by Ministry of Justice in England and Wales on the storage and retention of original will documents.

Consultation runs until 23 February 2024, and anyone can respond.

From Dave Annal on proposals to digitise then destroy the majority of Wills.

Comments at the foot of his paper will be welcomed.

Free Will Registry for 2024