Irish Wills Online

Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Royal Family Is Just Folding Prince Andrew Back in Like We Wouldn't Notice

Let artificial intelligence (AI) write your own Will in Illinois without an attorney. View insight and real examples from ChatGPT prepared by Michael E. Byczek, an Illinois attorney who reviews AI-generated Wills for accuracy and legal compliance. or for video -

Learn the difference between having and not having a Will in Illinois with my latest YouTube video ().

My brother passed away recently and Im executor of his will. I am sure learning a lot about things. Most of what Ive read does not have see a near the top of the to do list. Im adding it to my list. Cant wait to learn about probate and other things I never learned in school (sarcasm).

Ref Inheritance Tax. Never come into a pile of money by way of a will, nor will I so I wont get excited about something thats clearly designed to bring back Tory deserters.

Irish Wills Online

How is will doing
When at the Death Cafe, we might wonder about whether cremation or burial is the 'way to go', but the legal stuff also might make us worried. So what's the difference between a Power of Attorney and a Will

In Scottish law, there is a principle that no one has the legal authority to make decisions for another person overt the age of 16 unless you have. a Power Attorney (Adults with

If you are an adult who is making a living and has $ and assets in a bank, real estate, stocks and otherwise, EVERYONE regardless of age (but especially those who are married and have children), "should" have a WILL, a Durable Power for Health Care and a Durable Power of Attorney for Finances.

I'm 72 and have had these since I was 50 and, even then, it was too late and should have had them drafted/executed earlier.

Don't forget to include your assets in your estate planning.

I spoke on this very topic last week at NYU at an event created by .

Culpeper County, Virginia Will Abstracts 1791-1803 by Ruth Sparacio Sam Sparacio

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This Antient Press publication contains entries from Culpeper County Will Book D, September 19, 1791 through April 19, 1803.

Carroll County, Mississippi Abstracts of Wills 1834-1875, Divorces 1857-1875 by Betty Couch Wiltshire

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"Our bodies are our gardens - our wills are our gardeners." - William Shakespeare

Today I make a will here in Spain. It's supposedly quite a different process from what I'm used to in the US, aside from the language difference! A notary does a lot of the work of writing out the will, not just verifying your identity.

The will governs only one's assets in Spain, but I do need to account for those.

An 83 year old woman who was not included in her wealthy husband's will has gone to court and been awarded half of the estate - almost 1m worth!

I asked a question about the validity of international on Ask Metafilter.

If you have experience to share and you aren't on , you can DM me here.

But do consider signing up for Metafilter: 5 USD gets you a lifetime membership!

The Tyee: A Burning Sense of Injustice (in News) - via -JamesPennie,presidentoftheBCWrongfulDeathLawReformSociety .C.seniorsadvocateIsobelMackenzie .C.sPatientCareQualityOffice ,EstatesandSuccessionAct -onsetAlzheimers

Today's finds me thinking & writing abt in 's fiction--in preparation for's World Congress! Here we are, w/' NGS edited by the brilliant Stephen Arata!

Losing a loved one sucks.

You can make it easier on your family when you shuffle off this mortal coil.

But you have to do it now. You can't come back after you die to help them figure stuff out.

This is so beautiful. From the will of John Atkyns, Scrivener of London, 1640:

".....I give and bequeath unto my most lovinge wife Mary Atkyns, to whome I wish I had more to give, for if I had tenn tymes as much as I have it were nothinge answerable to that which shee hath deserved at my hands for the sweete disposition, love & affectionate care she hath shewed to me and myne."

Back at work this week!

I will be giving a and seminar next week (11th January 2023) through the University of Suffolk on and in the classroom, titled 'Minions and the Makers Movement - Making Complex Learning More Accessible'.

I will be explaining how I have used and other creative arts to increase understanding of complex areas of the - in areas such as , and and . Come along to hear about the advantages this new tech brings - and how badly I draw things on a whiteboard!

Sign up at:

Really interesting about all the genealogical publications (I recently learned of Collins's peerage, first published in 1709 & being updated in 's day by ) - and of claims to authenticity based on ", records, old ".

Were many of those published The only one with which I'm familiar is "A Collection of All the Wills..." by in 1780: this came up in a recent conversation here:

& fork:

Court finds in favour of Gold Coast photographer Marty Tullemans' stepdaughter after will dispute

gift the clothes, table service etc, to friends, relatives Likewise books that are not collectible could go to local libraries where you might find them again. This of the outside of the box holding all your stuff. FWIW, you are not alone. My main concern is not many in my family will recognize the more valuable pieces without my input. Im considering an annotated inventory of what Ive got. I should have it for the insurance company anyway , ,

my sleep deprivation made me read this as play deed and thats probably a great estate planning role playing game.

"You can now craft your will online for under $100" by Pat Foran via CTV News Toronto

Index to District of Columbia Wills, 1801-1920 by Dorothy S. Provine

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from the introduction: "This book consists of an alphabetical name listing of more than 22,700 wills filed in the District of Colombia Orphans' Court (Probate Court) during the period 1801-1920. ... The vast bulk of the wills, of course, were created by the local middle and upper class property owners to ensure that the distribution of their possessions was carried out according to their wishes."

Candidate list is UP, baby.

At first glance, looks like a LOT of candidates deserve my last preference.

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Free Will Registry for 2023